6 Things to Start Doing Today

Posted by Tyne Boerner on

Self Care.

Ok look, I kinda roll my eyes too. 

This idea of taking care of yourself has hit an all time HIGH. And we're basically calling everything a form of "self care."

Bath = self care. Boundaries = self care. Days off = self care.  Hygiene = self care.  And it doesn't stop.

But... all those seem like things we should all be doing on a regular basis, yes?

Aren't these basic necessities?

Don't worry... This idea is was foreign to me too!  It wasn't too long ago that I would feel a lot of guilt around taking anytime for myself.  I felt like I was always "on." Taking time to nap when I was tired was a luxury.  Answering emails, text messages, and DMs around the clock was good customer service.  Waking up earlier.  Working after "work."  Multitasking eating a meal with more work.

It was consuming.

And then I read a book by Timothy Ferriss : 4 Hour Work Week.


I wasn't living a life... I was working through life.

And I decided there has GOT to be a better way to do it.

Small changes create Big impact : 

1. Sleep Mode on my phone from 7:30 pm - 5 am. (We are naturally early birds and was up naturally at this time)

2. Answering text messages during work hours and having automated texts for our work number. ((as well as automated messages for business DMs))

3. No checking emails on my phone.  I also carve out specific TIMES I check emails - I do not open emails just because of a notification.  ((speaking of emails - I also ask anyone with business requests to email me also and to not use my DMs))

4. If it's not a HELL YES then it's a HELL NO. (this is business AND personal)

5. I take the least amount of phone calls as necessary (and take even LESS meetings)

6. Move EVERY DAY. (and it's not always the gym)

Prioritizing yourself is NOT a luxury.  It's necessity.  You can't be present for your family, job, LIFE if you are constantly struggling to keep your head above water.



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